Financial Giving – Other Options

Weekly Givings, Numbered Envelopes:

A box containing weekly envelopes for donations can be issued upon request.  All the envelopes have the same number and therefore your givings are traced to you through your envelope number.  The number can also be used to ensure spontaneous extra donations are credited to you.  To become a user of giving envelopes, call the Church office at (613) 836-1429.

Monthly Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR):

This is a monthly transfer from your account to our church.  This enables you to decide your annual commitment and ensure that Trinity receives it regularly, without you having to keep track of missing weeks, or worry about holiday absences.  To become a donor using PAR, call the Church office at (613) 836-1429.

Envelope Giving:

White envelopes are provided in the back of the chairs.  Donations are accumulated through the year and a tax receipt is issued at year end, provided we have a legible name and address.

Gifts of Publicly Traded Shares and Stock Options:

You can donate shares and stock options and receive a charitable receipt for the value donated.  The bonus – you do not have to pay capital gains otherwise liable at disposal.  Talk to your financial advisor or consult the Canada Revenue Agency website for more information.

Bequests and Other Planning Giving:

A bequest or making Trinity the beneficiary of a life insurance policy is an effective way to leave a legacy.  You can provide general support or fund one of the specific missions we undertake at Trinity.