
Pastoral Care (1 Corinthians 1:4-5)

Our team reaches out and responds in the name of Christ to serve and care for the Trinity community in times of need.
Please contact Muriel Laughton if you’d like to talk with a member of our caring team.  Call: (613)-836-4114
Our team meets monthly as a small group supporting one another, praying, learning, planning and fellowshipping together.

Our pastoral care team has trained under The Ottawa Pastoral Care Training Program. (ottawapastoralcare.com)

Prayer Requests

This is an informal group of Trinity’s members who have offered to pray for special prayer requests forwarded to them via email email hidden; JavaScript is required.

Emergencies are handled by phone 613 836 1429.

Mission Committee

The Mission Committee at Trinity is very active with the projects undertaken based on committee and congregational interests and strengths. Often working in liaison with Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D), the purpose of this committee is to actively involve our Trinity faith community in reaching out to local and global communities to help those in need.

The Committee is aware of  the demands on busy lives so this Committee tries to  conduct much of their business by e-mail. We heartily welcome new members.

Mission Projects – Changing Lives Together!

At Trinity, we continue to work in our community through a number of mission activities:

Presbyterians Sharing (https://presbyterian.ca/sharing/)

Presbyterian World Service & Development (https://presbyterian.ca/pwsd/)– a mission of the Presbyterian Church to support disaster relief and humanitarian aid around the world

Kanata Stittsville Refugee Sponsorship Group – a consortium of area churches (including Trinity) supporting the sponsorship and settlement of refugees to Canada

Matthew House Ottawa  (https://www.matthewhouseottawa.org/) – a transitional home for refugees in Ottawa

Urban Christian Outreach (https://urbanchristianoutreach.ca/) – a ministry to the homeless of downtown Ottawa

Kanata Food Cupboard (https://www.kanatafoodcupboard.ca/) – a food bank serving the Kanata area

Hospice Care Ottawa (https://www.hospicecareottawa.ca/) – a home for those at the end of life. We have a special connection to the 110 McCurdy location.

Gracefield Christian Camp and Retreat Centre (https://gracefieldcamp.ca/) – a camp for youth and adults to strengthen their relationship with Christ

Health Teams International – Canada Inc. (https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/health-teams-international-canada-inc/)

Water Ambassadors (https://www.waterambassadorscanada.org/)

Forest Hill Retirement Home

Minister’s Benevolent Fund