Music Ministry
Our music programs are open to any and all who wish to be part of this joyful ministry. The Music Ministry is comprised of: Praise Team, Choirs, Handbell Choir and Ensembles, and Special Music.
Praise Team
Trinity’s Praise Team is comprised of singers, musicians, sound technicians, and projectionists. Different members make up the weekly team based on availability and theme for the service. Praise Team has also been requested to lead the music at special services and events. Praise Team rehearses every week on Thursdays, Saturdays, and before services on Sunday mornings.
Trinity’s adult choir sings every 4 to 6 weeks, which includes leading the music during the Sunday service and often presenting an anthem or two. At Christmas and Easter, a cantata of seasonally appropriate music is offered, often with a soloist, additional musicians, and/or special musical guests. The choir rehearses Thursday evenings from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, September through June, and welcomes any adult or youth who wishes to sing in 2-, 3-, or 4-part harmony.

Handbell Choir and Ensembles
Since its inception in 2004, Trinity’s handbell program has grown to include a full choir (Hilltop Ringers), a duet (Bella Duetto) and Trinity’s Handbell Quartet, playing 4 octaves of handbells and 5 octaves of bell chimes. Besides playing during services, the handbell choir and ensembles are often requested to play as special guests at other concerts and events.

Trinity House Band

Trinity is blessed with a strong music program. For more information or to participate in one of the many programs offered, please contact David Chin, Minister of Music, at (613) 836-1429.